We understand architecture as the science and the art of shaping space – and architectural design as a research tool. In his critique of pure logic Immanuel Kant describes the significance of space as a transcendental prerequisite for the recognisability of objects. As a result of this, space is fundamental to our awareness of our surroundings and, hence, a primary medium of architecture.

Architecture is research as long as the imagination creates knowledge.

And architectural processes research the creation of space by taking not a theoretical but a design-based approach. One could also describe design as a creative ‘cultural technique’ for the generation of knowledge and a means of formulating and mastering complex questions that also have a spatial impact. Unlike the scientific-analytical approach the design process doesn’t use data and parameters as a means of defining eventual solutions but, rather, develops potential answers on the basis of experience, reflection and creativity.
Hence, design is not a linear process but an act of development based on recognition and discovery.

“Scientists solve problems through analysis that leads them to theories while architects solve problems by formulating syntheses.” Donald Adam Schön

It is important to understand this as an ongoing and applied process whose relevance is only confirmed through realisation in practice. Completed buildings are the translation of the design process into reality. Only through realisation does architecture become a science that constitutes reality by producing the contents of which it speaks.

For us, research is one of the bases for the continuing development of our work and our contribution to architecture.

new enviroments deal with the creation and modification of existing context for the focusing on objects. new enviroments transform the perception of existing objects. The change in the context of the transformed objects leaves room for a new interpretation.
It does not aim to create a neutral area, or the best possible white cell. The term context is inextricably linked with the concept of meaning. Meaningful structures can be understood only by context. new enviroments ask critical questions and take a stand. new enviroments promotes the binding of existing objects, and thus creates context-specific meaning.

active landscape is architecture between nature and design, and is based on concepts for static, cyclic parameters of the landscape. Our interest is primarily in the interpretation and intensification of the context, and understanding architecture as an artificial landscape in the extended sense. It's about building in the context of natural phenomena.
The architecture is changing over time and its context is changing with it. It is an architecture definined less by space than by time. In analogy to shelters as protection barriers, avalanche protection, and slope stabilization is superimposed on the relief of the landscape and with the relief of the design, it produces a flowing system.
active landscape is related to climate change. Natural systems adapt to environmental change, for our buildings it will be just as necessary to develop this responsive interaction with the environment to maximize their ecological potential.

build in velocity is both performance and construction. Constructing means constant geometric analysis of the performative requirements of a design problem. Especially when considering ski jumps and bobsled runs, the design is directly dependent on structure and construction by standardized guidelines, which define the core function. These vectors are generating geometrical expansion and thus form the structure of the architecture. The design is created in the process of constructing dynamic load cases and the selection of appropriate materials. These structures, as architecture, are adaptable, changeable, manipulable. The form of the architecture is a state created by different levels of speed, acceleration and movement.

A new form of relationship between nature, society and the economy will become a deciding factor in our living and economic environment. The Alpine environment increasingly demands that we reinforce this relationship, most importantly in terms of Alpine infrastructures.

The research partnership formed by alpS, LAAC, and partners from the industrial sector has been undertaking this mission and set itself the goal of maintaining both the ecological and economic value of the natural environment, as it is presented for the living and economic environment of Alpine regions.

It is the aim of this applied research to develop suitable combinations of function, and conceive concepts of utilization specially designed for the Alpine area. The development of a sustainable environmental design will be crucial to achieving this objective. It is our focus to treat the complex aspects of the landscape  sensitively, aesthetically and ethically.