Ready for Occupancy

Tutor: Arch. DI. Kathrin Aste,
Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, Institute for Art and Architecture

The baroque garden is a geometrically structured artificial construct with major and minor axes, formed by channels, basins or paths.

The central visual axis is most often surrounded by a system of parallel and perpendicular and star-shaped intersecting paths. The greatest emphasis is placed on regularity and symmetry. The baroque garden is part of an overall architectural scheme that also often features orangeries, parterres, fountains, ruins, pools, palm houses and menageries — aesthetically tied together by a common decoration scheme usually derived from Greek and Roman mythology. The Schönbrunn Palace as an exemplary model of Baroque design can be understood as a composition of organic and inorganic components. Not restricted to architecture and plants cut into shape the park included a menagerie which later turned into the Tierpark Schönbrunn. Being open to the public since 1779 it is the oldest active zoo in the world and home to 8392 animals.

The historical circumstances around the time a structure was created cannot be recreated neither can they be preserved. In that way it seems as if the garden of Schönbrunn bears a potential it does not use.Designing a landscape means formulating cultural visions.

The studio is exploring the landscape as a complex dynamic system and versatile sphere where diversity can flourish. The aim of the studio is to liberate the components of strict Baroque order and isolation and to re-configure them in such way so they can interact with each other more dynamically. First and foremost, this requires an act of liberation. Collages and montages are used to describe this first act.

The landscape is discovering in our work not only a landscape of scenes but also one of ideas, operations and strategies. The focus is on what landscape could do, widening its scope, expanding its efficacy. Using 3d render engines and grasshopper students received scattered and populated fields. By rendering them more diverse and enabling than ever before. Architecture once again becomes the operational tool to design landscape as a built reality.

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Institution: Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Term: Summer 2015
Title: Ready for Occupancy
Tutor: Kathrin Aste, Benjamin Ennemoser

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