The challenge of this exhibition design is to combine arts, culture and literature together in order to concisely explore what is meant by 'Inside the White Cube': The concept of the design for the cultural history exhibit is based on several variations of the display cases, which are designed to compress and even neutralize traditional values, hinting to this sense only through the use of velvet as a finish material.
This exhibit aims to present an objective, critical analysis of the different cultural images of women. The formal variation of the cases demonstrates a thematic focus and makes the cultural history of the viewer better understood. The art and literature, however, move as free radicals through the rich history of the Imperial Hofburg Palace premises. The walls of the vault are minimally affected, the architecture provides space without surface. Here the works have gathered for a meeting to initiate a discourse and to position themselves within an annual memorial as one.
A glance at history reveals a volume of female heroes. The exhibition "Frauenheldenfrauen. Art, culture, and history of females as counterpoint" - the woman's life in Tirol at its center, the exhibition takes a different approach to the myths. Read against the grain, look behind the mirror, roll up the curtain in the truest sense of the word. Rethink the mythically loaded history of the Tyrolean woman's life through the centuries.
In the Baroque and the Gothic cellar basement of the Imperial Palace at Innsbruck, works by artists and writers are presented. Cases are opened, in which concealed treasures, pictorial representations, and everyday objects are composed to create an unusual view of the female culture history. The exhibition has a direct relation to the place where it exists: The ladies of the Imperial Palace were housed directly above the Gothic cellar.

Design: Kathrin Aste, Frank Ludin
Execution: Kathrin Aste, Frank Ludin, Peter Griebel, Teresa Stillebacher