The form of the new multipurpose hall is a long building ascending southward. The ensemble of buildings, primary school, kindergarten and the multipurpose hall define the structure of the village. The orientation towards the road is significant in so far as it provides the school building and its surroundings with an introverted sense. The roof of the building is intensively planted and lies between the school and the kindergarten. It cuts into the topography and by varying across one storey, forms a gentle slope and walk-on roof, resembling a toboggan run.
The visible volume of the building is minimized, the spatial design forms part of the landscape. The whole of the green space is retained, only the contour lines are redrawn. The natural break in the terrain is emphasized by the connecting path and an architecturally-linked tunnel. The green is claimed by the kindergarten and the school.
The school is connected to the gym by an underground path that is weatherproof and thus easily accessible. Immediately above the tunnel there is a ground level path, connecting the entrance level of the school to the entrance level of the new building. The basement of the new building, including the rehearsal room, is provided with an additional ramp for the delivery of instruments and gym equipment.
The foyer of the new building provides a nexus of different functions - a tribune extends the foyer towards the gym building and thus provides an auditorium for events. The southern section of the foyer is extended by the space, opening one's view over the forecourt. The three levels - basement, ground floor, and roof - are multifunctional and animate the building as a whole.
The flexible, separable, and lockable units of the building open up according to the requirements of the event, be it the Punch and Judy show, indoor football, folklore groups or basement parties, be it one after the other or all at the same time.
Press kit: Multipurpose Hall and Rehearsal Locality Weissenbach

Design: Kathrin Aste, Frank Ludin, Thomas Feuerstein, Peter Griebel
Execution: Kathrin Aste, Frank Ludin, Thomas Feuerstein, Peter Griebel, Marc Ihle
Construction supervision:Architekturbüro Walch ZT GmbH,Reutte
Structural engineering: aste weissteiner zt-gmbh, Innsbruck
HVACE design:A3 jp-Haustechnik GmbH&Co, Innsbruck
Akustik design: Quiring Consultants, Innsbruck