The design for the MPREIS in Sölden follows the concept of integrating the food market as naturally as possible into the topography of the Ötztal Alps. Landscape elements such as the steep slope, the boulders or the alpine vegetation are used in both natural and artificial forms to create the design and space.

Opening MPREIS Volders 

In the second row to the state road, a new MPREIS supermarket has been built in Volders with a residential building above it. The new building replaces an existing branch and not only adds a new Baguette Café and an underground car park at this location, but also a three-storey residential building with 16 apartments, with the apartments on the top floor being made available as assisted living, especially for older people with increased care requirements.

The Marktbar and the Marktbar Studios are located in a listed solitaire building in the immediate vicinity of the Inn, Innsbruck's old town and the market hall. In the context of this market hall, the gastronomic concept of the Marktbar is primarily based on the offer of small, fresh dishes with interesting products and is fundamental to the design concept.

#2 Feminist Positions from the Modern Collection of the Tiroler Landesmuseen / Ferdinandeum
In the 1940s, Marcel Duchamp initiated “Exhibition by 31 Women”, the first art exhibition to be held with exclusively female artists. “If I can’t dance, I don’t wanna be part of your Revolution”, a presentation with thirteen women artists from the Modern Collections, curated by Florian Waldvogel, is a continuation of this feminist art historiography. It combines historical representatives of the Austrian avant-garde with international positions and recent developments.

P2 Urban Hybrid | City Library

P2 combines a city library, a public space with restaurants and residential accommodation within a multi-faceted building complex. It is a spatial organisation of urban relationships that manages both public and private interests.

Food and landscape

At MPREIS Weer a food market is woven into the surrounding landscape as a way of focussing on the origins and the quality of the produce. The local context and landscape features such as fields, trees and grass are translated into surface and space with the help of both natural and man-made techniques.

Residential building with gorge and birches

On a plot south of the Dorfgasse in Hötting a residential complex will be constructed with nine apartments. The architecture could be described as structured terrace typology. The building emphasises the qualities of the hillside as well as it fits with the surrounding buildings.

Architektur im Kontrast zwischen natürlichen Bedingungen und kulturtechnischen Reaktionen

Das Projekt Naturpark Ötztal basiert auf dem Konzept einer Architektur, welche im Kontrast zwischen natürlichen Bedingungen und kulturtechnischen Reaktionen steht. Der Geograph Kenneth Hewitt schreibt dazu treffend: "Most natural disasters are characteristic rather than accidental features of the places and societies where they occur.“ Durch das Konzept einer geomorphologischen Annäherung wird ein Gleichgewicht zwischen dem Design und der Diversität der Landschaft gesucht.

The goal of the intervention at Eduard-Wallnöfer-Platz (Landhausplatz) was to create a contemporary urban public space that negotiates between the various contradictory conditions and constraints of the site and establishes a stage for a new mélange of urban activities characterized by a wide diversity. The realized project consists of a 9.000 square meter concrete floor sculpture.


During recent years a number of observation platforms have been created attempting, through different means, to confront the visitor with the beauties of nature. This panorama platform was commissioned by the management of one of the five glacier ski arenas in Austria. Like most of its competitors, the management is intent upon retaining a high level of appeal of its ski region.

Competition Swimming Pool Leinfelden


Urban Concept

The urban planning idea of ​​the new indoor garden pool for Leinfelden-Echterdingen uses the topographical gains and stores the building mass in such a way that essential parts of the cubature do not appear. The access level follows the level of the public roads; the swimming area itself is on the lower level of the city garden. This enables different urban planning qualities to be achieved. On the one hand, the building mass above ground at street level negotiates with the heterogeneous grain size of school buildings, special uses and single-family houses. On the other hand, the swimming area and the upstream sunbathing lawn in the slightly lowered altitude will be shielded from the adjacent traffic, similar to the existing one.

Competition LEW-Areal


With the new LEW area, the city of Neu-Ulm intends to build an ambitious building complex that combines the functions of a city library, public space, gastronomy with living and working. Our design tries to negotiate both public and private interests and to do justice to it through a differentiated and characteristic architecture.



The Project Solana Ulcinj, curated by Bart Lootsma and Katharina Weinberger, is the Montenegrin contribution to the 15th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale 2016.

5th Prize - Neubau Hallenbad Bregenz

Urban planning concept

The architecture of the building corresponds to a pillow-shaped parallelogram with curved openings and incisions, which takes into account both the structure and the geometry of the Festspielhaus Bregenz and seeks a natural position in this context.

Urban Planning & Concept

The design is based, among other things, on three fundamental design-effective parameters with the aim of an independent building volume that does justice to the corner situation:

Recognition - competition design Bozner Platz

Bozner Platz is located in the center of Innsbruck, at the intersection of important urban axes that connect public buildings. Bozner Platz is a clearly defined square with a center. It is framed on all sides by buildings and yet not dominated by any of these buildings, which underlines its importance as a public, urban space. And that's precisely why Bozner Platz is unique and it has to be an all-rounder.
The square has undergone significant changes over time. If we see a square in the historical pictures that looks primarily as a designed urban space, we now perceive the square more as a green space that is burdened by a lot of traffic.

The design proposal for the redesign of Bozner Platz tries to clarify its lost qualities by presenting itself again in a design-conscious manner, underlining its proportions and giving the needs of the pedestrian city user more priority than those of motorized traffic.

Competition Kranebitter Allee 16, Innsbruck - 3rd price


Spatial Structure

The residential complex is divided into two wedge-shaped structures, one oriented along Kranebitter Allee, the other perpendicular to it. The front building is open and transparent on the ground floor, the upper floors form a frame that covers the ground floor. The protrusion of the building with the side fire walls creates a pleasant, protected outdoor space that forms a forecourt for the retail space as well as integrating a spacious entrance to the apartments and the underground car park entrance. The residential units on the upper floors will be built with bay windows that characterize the street-side facade and meet room climate and acoustic qualities. The small apartments in this building are designed as small apartments that are inserted through, exposed on both sides.


Playing fields are performative places, places of action. They define spaces in which people position and exchange in a playful way. On a field of play, rules apply that limit our scope of action on the one hand and challenge us at the same time to expand it. Playing fields are possibility spaces. What is possible depends on the game.

The spatial concept creates a three-dimensional playful space through the superimposition of two-dimensional playing fields, which fits into the surroundings like a field on the roof - visibly limited.

Clearly organized in terms of layout, the building stacked three different fields one above the other, the parking deck, the gymnasium with the inner playfields and the walk-in green roof with the various seating areas.

You've got the Power
Following the Electro-Pop anthem "I've got the Power" by Snap, the leitmotif defines the visitor experience in the TIWAG Information Tower on five different levels, each defined by a different focus.
It underlines the enormous importance of electricity as a project in which suppliers and consumers both share responsibility for a clean environment. The slogan also stands for the possibility of playful learning, which opens up the temporary world of experience to all visitors.

Vom Gendarmerieplatz zum Salon der Stadt

Das Projekt beabsichtigt den bereits bestehenden kulturellen Stadtraum durch neue Orte zu vervollständigen und diese zu verknüpfen. Dadurch soll Spittal sowohl für die Bevölkerung selbst, als auch für den Besucher und Touristen als besonders vielfältiger Kulturraum erlebbar werden. Dieses Anliegen wird durch einerseits punktuelle spezifische Eingriffe, als auch umfassende kohärente Adaptionen erzielt. In Folge soll die gesamte Kernzone der Stadt Spittal aufgewertet werden.


Die Neugestaltung des Residenzplatzes versteht sich als konsequente Adaptierung auf der Basis einer zeitgenössischen Interpretation dieser grundsätzlichen Entwurfsparameter.
Die Haltung, den Platz als 5 Fassade zu verstehen, geht von einer Aufwertung des Bodendenkmals im Sinne des Kontextes aus. Obwohl die historischen Bezüge noch bestehen sind sie gegenwärtig an der Oberfläche nicht erkennbar. Um die Rezeption des Platzes zu klären ist eine Überführung der historischen Qualitäten in die Gegenwart notwendig. Dabei spielen nach wie vor Zahlenverhältnisse, Proportion und Geometrie eine zentrale Rolle in der Entwurfsgenese.


To respect the existing and to encourage the future is the aim of the redesign and renovation of the Campus Technik. In this respect the new forum intended to make old and new innovations visible.

Die Sanierung des Widum Vent ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil um den Ort und seine Authentizität zu unterstreichen.
Im Bewusstsein dem Ursprünglichen Respekt zu zollen, hat man sich gegen den Abriss und für die Sanierung des historischen Widums entschieden. Im zentralen Blickfeld der Sanierung des denkmalgeschützten Widums der Pfarre Vent steht die (Wieder-)Herstellung eines charakteristischen Gebäudes in der Gemeinde.

An alpine Hyprid is a multifunctional building. It is the aim of this applied research to develop suitable combinations of function, conceive utilization concepts specially designed for the Alpine area and implement a reference plant.


The Nature of Things

Das Gleichgewicht zwischen Architektur und Natur war Ziel der Gartenkunst vieler historischer Epochen. Betrachtet man einen idealen Renaissancegarten, so sieht man einen Raum, in dem Architektur, Kunst, Natur und Landschaft ein harmonisches Ganzes bilden, um dem Menschen den idealen Raum für seine Entfaltung zu geben. Leitmotiv des Entwurfs ist die Wechselbeziehung zwischen dem Künstlichen und dem Natürlichen. Diese Wechselbeziehung wird vorrangig bestimmt durch die Geometrie – das Maß der Erde, the Nature of Thing.


As regards our energy supplies, we have now reached a crucial turning point. For quite some time, industry across the globe has been showing a strong tendency towards renewable forms of energy to replace fossile engergy sources and nuclear power.
The advantages of renewable energy being widely known, large parts of the population strongly support its promotion. While in non-Alpine areas, it is relatively easy to plan and build such plants, the integration of renewable sources of energy in a sensitive and environmentally-friendly manner following environmental design ideas presents a great challenge in the Alpine zone.


2nd prize competition



Auf relativ kleiner Fläche weist Österreich eine vielschichtige Topographie mit einer entsprechenden Artenvielfalt und zusätzlich hoher Bio-Diversität auf. Diese spezifischen Voraussetzungen der Landschaft und der verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit ihren Ressourcen bilden die thematische Basis der Ausstellung und der Architektur. 


Die Neuanlage der BMX-Bahn im Rahmen der Umgestaltung des Spekteparks - Berlin Spandau wird bewusst als Teil einer größeren Freizeitanlage gesehen.

Die Bahn wird hierbei nicht als Objekt in die bestehende Ebene gestellt und mit Absturzsicherungen von der Umgebung isoliert, sondern in die Topographie der künstlich angelegten Landschaft eingeschrieben und wird somit zum Teil der Parklandschaft.


The basic concept of the design, and what sets it apart from other contemporary cottage projects, is the creation of an ensemble. This creates a sense of scale and proportion appropriate to the site. The building is integrated into the landscape and becomes lost among the surrounding boulders and rocks.

This jump, being constructed in Kazakhstan, features a single tower with two areas of relief, which represents an innovation in such a typology.  The newly constructed hill is a sculptural element, generating the form of the two curves at the flanks of the start-up tracks. The V-shaped widening towards the top of the tower recedes in a twisting motion above.


"La Pista Magica" - the relevance of the historical track and the culture of sport is significant for the city of Milan. The concept of the design is to intensify the dynamic character of the high-speed cycling in respect to the historical building.   TWO circle-segments of the track will be preserved.


The management of the Servite Cloisters was compelled to develop an architecturally-dominant structure for the new Servite Cloisters of the Triumphal Arch on the southern part of Maria Theresa Strasse.


A new home for a demanding generation in an exceptional situation requires an architecture with an uncompromising approach to self-understanding.

The use, the location, and its value to the residents of the district define the standards and feasibility of this project.

The project is justified by lifting and dissolving the principle of integration of public buildings around the park.  


The structure of the building follows the linear morphology of the island.



[Kunstbau are structures which serve as a means of route-specific guidance along the primary road network. These structures include highway embankment dams, and artificial embankments surrounding the highway]

The family center is a compact, flat building, gently rising to the north. The positioning of the building respects the need for peace in the Church and the opposing lively atmosphere on the southwest side. The roof of the ground floor firmly intersects the earth, utilizing the existing slope of the site, creating variegated spaces for different age groups.

The town hall and tourist office Kleinarl is a contemporary meeting place, a prestigious address for the place and its people.

The development is understood as a complete system, flooded with generous green spaces, along both the north and south facades of Prenstrasse. The crossing of the road from south to north is imagined as permeable, where the northern bar is shaped by the influence of noise pollution from Südring. The placement of the outdoor spaces in the north tie into the established southern datum. The garden becomes the identity of the project, wherein the garden is reimaged as a garden facade.

The morphology and dispersion of forces created by its neighbors, shape Lodenareal. The volumes are separately arranged and appear to adhere to a free composition, though the arrangement is truly formed by local environmental forces, and is sympathetic to its effect on said conditions. The new Olympic Village is identified as a sustainable framework of urban design, which is the basis of this proposal.

The Testarossa is an Italian coffee bar. It is one of two gastronomy establishments at the new Landhausplatz place in Innsbruck and has a garden of 100 square meters.

The primary goal of this project is to promote two Olympic disciplines, luge and skeleton, and to create a project accessible to the broader public and youth. 


Users are given the impression of being in an oversized plan or sketch. The main tools of the architect make a jump in scale, and are decontextualized in favor of the vistor's new impression.

The bobsled run in Almaty finds its focal point built in velocity. The geometry is driven by a comprehensive generator, which corresponds to the ideal line of the bob. The bobsled run is 1250m in length and has a height variation of 87m.

The final building in a row of historic buildings in the Innsbruck protection zone is in one of the oldest streets in the city, which is characteristic of this part of the city in terms of its materiality and atmosphere.
The existing building, which could no longer be preserved due to the state of construction, was measured with a terrestrial laser scanner, which revealed significant features on the basis of which a contemporary and precise translation in terms of design could be made. Based on the laser scan, the special morphology of the old building, the geometric deviations, inaccuracies, cuts and edges were worked out.

The aim was to design a modern townhouse as part of the block border, which is always aware of its responsibility to the context. Its presence is characterized by the reinterpretation of the Gründerzeit-style perforated facades. An architecture that relates the place, the form and the materiality and which takes equal account of both private and public interests.

HYPO Tirol Kufstein

The existing building of the HYPO Tirol Bank is located in the center of the old town of Kufstein. The building is part of a closed development and was built in the early 1990s in a postmodern style. The mixed-use building contains residential and various commercial uses.
The design of the new HYPO Tirol Bank branch transfers the postmodern building into a contemporary appearance and conveys the essential corporate philosophy principles of HYPO Tirol Bank such as transparency, clarity and openness. The open room design of this prototypical office is based on the concept of dynamic working environments and a customer oriented signage system that we helped to develop.  

Completion of construction phase 1.

In autumn 2018, the first construction phase of the Copa Cagrana was made accessible to the residents. The other phases are already being planned and should be completed by 2019/2020.

Venice Architecture Biennale 2018

Thoughts Form Matter - Spatial Installation Austrian Pavilion

The Austrian contribution Thoughts Form Matter is a plea for the power of architecture as an intellectual analysis of the world and for the freedom to design spaces that are not subject to functional and economic constraints. LAAC, Henke Schreieck and Sagmeister & Walsh are creating a conceptually and materially complex spatial installation which draws together inside and outside, vertical and horizontal, the historic pavilion and the language of contemporary architecture and design.

Thoughts Form Matter is giving rise to spaces which will enable us to perceive those qualities that the architects and designers are seeking to produce in their work. In their contributions the teams understand “free space” as both a spatial and spiritual construct, as a complex dynamic system and as a versatile realm which is shaped by coexistence. Concepts such as “deviation”, “atmosphere” and “beauty” become tangible in a three-part, converging spatial installation.

LAAC  “Sphere 1:50.000” 
Installation, 2018 

The Austrian Pavilion is principally perceived as a strictly symmetrical building. It was built in 1934 to a design by Josef Hoffmann and Robert Kramreiter. Twenty years later Hoffmann added a curved garden wall in the rear courtyard. The spatial installation interprets this gesture as one of deviation, as a revolutionising of one´s own design. Sphere 1:50.000 is a poetic mise-en-scene, a spatial deviation.

The open space design project ‘Stadtnaht Dornbirn’ exploits the urban potential of a topographical feature and transforms a periphery into a spatial urban joint.  

The project integrates and expands the existing public realm in central Dornbirn. The concept pursues the idea of a joint that provides a functional and solid connection between two elements while also generating new urban quality in both spatial and architectural terms.

Concept Store with Bar & Shop

In december Hitt und Söhne opened with drinks and skis its doors on the Hungerburg in Innsbruck. In the context between city and mountain five young Munich's realized with an innovative concept something completely new. In the format of a concept store one can admire not only brand new ski models but also a Cafe'- Bar.

Slow Food - but quickly - super thanks!
The motto expresses the young zeitgeist, in which a fast urban lifestyle is lived and an awareness for regional, genuine and high quality products are praised.


The form of the new multipurpose hall is a long building ascending southward. The ensemble of buildings, primary school, kindergarten and the multipurpose hall define the structure of the village. The orientation towards the road is significant in so far as it provides the school building and its surroundings with an introverted sense. The roof of the building is intensively planted and lies between the school and the kindergarten. It cuts into the topography and by varying across one storey, forms a gentle slope and walk-on roof, resembling a toboggan run. 

The missing head for the existing body

The structure of the existing Training Centre proves a disoriented, scalable architecture wherein the function cannot be expressed. The extension will change this and modernize the building in its entirety, without changing the existing building. The new building is located at the western end of the gym, the entrance is on the south, running parallel to the Inn promenade.

Competition Arena Vienna

The new Sport-Arena Vienna is a stacked and packed sports and event aggregation. The building provides a generous insight into the inner activities of ball sports, artistic gymnastics and the consumer areas in the mall foyer. The light air spaces of athletics and the various smaller halls float exclusively above the urban movement level, which continues uninterrupted into the object.

The leitmotif of the present master plan results from the lively interplay between open field and geometric volume. The adjacent sports facilities and green spaces show how building typologies and open spaces are determined and how they relate to each other in a playful way. As large-scale as these buildings may be, they create a special atmosphere by promising and delivering exciting experiences and joy in joint playful activities. The project tries to translate these qualities into the structure of a residential quarter. Accordingly, the playing field in particular and the green space in general form the design basis of the design. This intention is achieved through a composition of different volumes, which are placed in such a way that a multi-layered public outdoor space is created that flows through the entire area and extends the accompanying park.

Urban Structure

A present study with approx. 80,000 m² GFA living shows evenly distributed cubatures of different heights. A basically justifiable density. Scattering and fragmentation is a possible approach. The schematism of construction sites and road network in the study should be resolved by appropriate programming, orientation high points and focal points are also allowed. The aim is not to create a monofunctional residential area, but rather a contemporary, lively area.

In the end, the diversity creates more stable residents. Above all, this means built diversity for different users. Special forms of housing such as cluster housing, assisted living, student housing or student housing and senior housing mixed etc. are to be offered, micro-housing and housing for large families, in different sizes and types. In this quarter you will also be able to live on the ground floor, for this there must be structural proposals (maisonettes, plinths, etc.) and usage (living and working options). The immissions from the north and south traffic belts and the Tivoli sports complex must be taken into account.

Form-Piece is Fitting-Piece

In contrast to the existing building, the new building will be designed as a complete structure, the facade of which will, however, be formulated in a differentiated manner so that it can of course be integrated into the surrounding block perimeter development in the neighborhood. The design tries to negotiate both the architecture of the Wilhelminian era and that of contemporary buildings such as the Chamber of Commerce, BTV and Hypo Tirol Bank.

The design attempts to spatialize the demanding task of a new district center, consisting of a children's house, a gymnasium and an event house, by means of contextually coherent yet heterogeneous structures on a multi-layered topography.

The new district center is completed by a square and a trapezoidal structure with sloping green roofs, which take up and continue the topographical theme of the surrounding plaza.

Design Concept

The design tries to give space to the demanding task of a multi-purpose center, consisting of a crèche, a kindergarten, a parent-child center, rooms for clubs and a group practice for doctors, using the concept of a multi-layered rural typology.

Acknowledgment - Competition bottom station Schafbergbahn

The Schafbergbahn is equally an attraction in the context of a unique landscape, as well as historical heritage. It is the steepest railway line in Austria and its nostalgic gear steam locomotives are among the oldest in the world. The design concept tries to emphasize these peculiarities by turning the valley station into a place of contemplation - the PLATFORM SCHAFBERGBAHN.

Design railway station Mayrhofen

The planned cubic content of three interconnected volumes seems to overwhelm the scale of Mayrhofen. Therefore, the contribution tries to form an ensemble for the railway station. Several structures should, not least physically linked by the tracks, despite functional differences, create a structured unit and fit into the environment of the village. Consequently, the big challenge is to develop an architecture that is as independent as it is self-evident in the region, as well as regionally self-evident architecture.


Competition 2nd prize

Invited architectural competition for a headquater of an Austrian insurance company

Ein Objekt versus Haus

Im Kontext der städtischen Umgebung verfolgt der Entwurf den Gedanken, kein weiteres Gebäude hinzuzufügen, sondern den Pavillon als Objekt in den homogenisierten Stadtraum zu integrieren.


Honorable Mention

Der Entwurf sieht eine hoch verdichtete Blockrandbebauung mit großzügigem Innenhof und Stöckl Gebäude vor, welche auf die unmittelbare Umgebung der Typologie Wiltens reagiert. Trotz seiner Analogie zum gründerzeitlichen Blockrand bekennt sich das Projekt zu einer modernen Urbanität und zeitgenössischen Gestalt. Höhenentwicklung und Volumetrie orientieren sich an den Fluchten der angrenzenden Bauwerke.


Der Entwurf versucht der Bauaufgabe einer Seilbahnstation, als besonders spezifischen Fall eines Ensembles gerecht, zu werden. Fast tausend Höhenmeter voneinander entfernt, nicht zuletzt physisch verbunden durch das Seil, soll trotzfunktionaler Unterschiede eine Einheit entstehen.

Everybody can be a star.
Step into the Hard Rock Cafe Innsbruck and get ready for your performance.
The whole scenery is designed as a setting of a rock stage consisting dressing rooms, hip spaces, frontstage areas and backstage rooms for everybody.
The atmosphere ranges from energizing ( Shop + Bar) to feeling like home (Restaurant).


Basically, the concept pursues an urbanistic approach. In the sense of a bridge offensive, the project attempts to respond to the urban development goals.


Der Entwurf ist ein räumlich-archäologisches Konzept welches Kunst, Kultur und Naturwissenschaften mit dem Umfeld vereinen kann.


Excerpt of the competition jury: The proposal is characterised by an ”aerodynamic” design, where all the elements fit together in a unified, plastic form of great elegance. In design terms the proposal appears as the competitions most successful. It appears as a refined, highly developed design where the knoll building and the inrun flow into each other in one unified form.The result is a monumental ski arena that grows out of the landscape. The adopted architectural language is consistent and includes the design as a whole, from public flows, commentators boxes, judges towers and stands...


All social and political dynamics are reflected in public space. Therefore public squares show the significant social, political and historic processes of change in our society. They contain the factors which form the city and its identity. Public spaces are, as well as social and communal platforms, stages of interpersonal and personal attention. Today, too, the square serves the public as a display of local foci, unanswered questions and developmental processes of society. The social function of the place is undisputed, its self-understanding is a prerequisite of democratic place. The gestalt of architecture generated the possibility for the square to meet this demand.


The splineTEX®TEST SPACE is an object taking the form of a pavilion, meant to test innovative solutions utilizing splinetex technology.

>> superTEXcomposites GmbH


The bridge adheres to the tradition of space framework bridges characteristic of the site. The structural system is an irregular steel truss with members optimized in orientation and cross section, while the top and bottom chord run the length of the bridge. The bridge is to be assembled using partial, prefabricated sections, simplifying fabrication and installation. The Elastomer-abutments are only stressed vertically, therefore allowing the concrete foundation to be minimal. The truss is tensioning over the river, allowing for a column-free span, maintaining a clear floodplain and avoiding the collection of debris.


The facade acts as the signature of the hotel.
It acts to communication the hotel's symbolic identity, the hotel as a context for art.

Authenticity is a principle of originality.


Orientation System and Site Markers for Archaeological Park, Aguntum


The Decumanus called the East-West axis,  was used as a line of sight created through the observation of celestial motion. The Decumanus divided the sky , half into day and half into the night.


The challenge of this exhibition design is to combine arts, culture and literature together in order to concisely explore what is meant by 'Inside the White Cube': The concept of the design for the cultural history exhibit is based on several variations of the display cases, which are designed to compress and even neutralize traditional values, hinting to this sense only through the use of velvet as a finish material.


This project contains four different ski jumps:
The  K75- and the K64-Jump and the small Hills - K35 and K15.
All jumps start from the same hillside facing to the northwest. Each jump has its own approach ramp, take-off table and landing track.


The stand creates a window to the construction site. It demonstrates the complex procedures and situations that make the process of building possible. The stand serves only as a framework: a clear, smooth body, with the raw sub-structure, consisting of a scaffolding, not hidden, but part of the design.

In Innsbruck's industrial park, on the rooftop of an existing office building, a landscape with exclusive apartment/offices will be built. The individual units are to be made of lightweight wood and surrounded by spacious terraces. Around an atrium, the offices are arranged in a ring, in order to create an atrium space.

Thetis' lodge exists as a crack in the rock, a point to relax with views of the Wilder Kaiser. On the southwest of the plateau is a flat rock acting as the 'Copyright of the Landscape' [Natural logo] on the stone slab.

The structure appears as the result of a slightly raised ground floor, a compact bar on the gentle, meandering landscape. A trail network consisting of mowed ways leading from a fixed main road, and many unpaved side roads (sometimes only marked with the lawn mower in the meadow fields), divide and characterize the landscape.

The throughway shapes building typology, in a line moving through the entire planning area. The urban design concept is guided by a comb-like arrangement of lines that run along a north-south oriented green space, with the dwellings arranged in an east-west orientation to ensure the best possible daylight access. A slight distortion of the overall axis creates a positive effect on the perception of the overall system.

The peculiarity of the topographic conditions and the uniqueness of its usage are what make the Bergisel a sporting and cultural hotspot. A reponse sympathetic to the traditional - historical burden of the place is the focus of this proposal.